16th August-Tuesday we are going to penang Mcd啦。。你读书我上网@@"肯定闷死了哈哈,可是你要考试了又不能陪我去玩。。那就先我陪你吧,哈哈。。^^
Do u all see me??me n rilakuma is at the small mirror..haha |
my dear,wat post u..hahaha |
We are reach le..eat eat eat!!XD |
U All pattern is gv me catch tiok liao..hahahaXD
Just sit about 3hours like tat they say wanna bek le..@@"
所以我就说去看戏咯,你也答应了^^"本来是要看“人约离婚后”的,可是没场,所以我们看"Rise of the planet of the apes" ..很好看哦,没看的人一定要去看..=) |
b4 movie start ,we go le 吃马桶餐,哈哈。。 |
马桶椅子.. |
我会珍惜我们一起走过的点点滴滴^^ tat is our love story....